in famous

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in famous

in famous interviews

Volcano the bear playing at the Infamous Carousel at the Centre Pompidou in Paris

1 - O playing at the in famous Carousel event at the Point Ephémere in Paris

Rubro performing at the Infamous carousel III at the Point éphémère in Paris

Panicsville & friends performing at the In-famous Carousel III event at the Point éphémère in Paris.

Fuckhead playing at the In-famous Carousel III event at the Point éphémère in Paris.

Exonemo performing at the Infamous Carousel III Event in Paris.

Interview with Jon the dog playing at the infamous "weird creatures" festival in 2007/Point Ephemere/Paris

Interview with Kishino la veuve moustache playing at the in-famous "weird creatures" night in Paris/Point ephemere/2007

Interview with Dr.Secret playing at the in-famous "weird creatures" night in Paris/Point ephemere/2007

Safety Scissors, Kevin Blechdom & Planningtorock in an interview talking about music and performance.

Lucky dragons talking about pain, music & network before playing at the George Pompidou Center in Paris. An "in-famous" event

Blevin Blectum's fairy tale of the horse skull, before playing at Centre Pompidou Center during the in-famous carousel festival 2006.

Alexandre Bellenger in existential discussions about his work and visions.

Emmanuel explains his work and shows us how he creates sounds

Interview with Arnold Dreyblatt talking about his manipulations of instruments to get into a new language of sound

Rafael explains his pocket lamp instrument made by his own.

Interview with Gert Jan Prins about the principes of his work. He had a show at the Pompidou Center Paris in 2005.

Gavin & Delia talking aout their homemade synthesizers.

Quintron & Miss Pussycat give an interview before their show at the in-famous carousel event 2006

90 secondes of Nplmd's show at the "Mysteres de l'est" event at point éphémère in 2006. An in-famous/kokeko event

Interview with the Bastards before playing in Paris/point ephemere during the infamous carousel festival 2006

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